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'The Chameleon' on JFK Assassination

June 10, 2009

The Medical Evidence Reference: Who's Who In The 

Medical Evidence:
The Principal Witnesses From Nov. 22,1963..
By Vincent Michael Parkland..

"JFK: The Medical Evidence Reference: Who's Who In The 

Medical Evidence:
The Principal Witnesses From Nov. 22,1963..
By Vincent Michael Parkland..

#168) on the list......HUGH HUGGINS..



"The Chameleon"

Jim Huggins aka ( Hugh Huggins ) aka ( Hugh Howell)

Marine/undercover CIA Agent, 4/55 to 10/65.

Some Information From:
"JFK: Breaking The Silence" Bill Sloan

(1993), Chapter 9, pp. 175-189. 

"I know which closets most of the skeletons are in." he 

says " I know where a lot of the bodies are buried."

"" At fifty seven.....Except for a handful of close 

friends and family members, Jim Huggins has never 

confided his findings to anyone.His story had never 

before been published in any form, and he says he has 

agreed to it's publication now ( 93) for only one 

primary reason. ""......."I'm getting old and my health 

is failing ,I've had several light heart attacks and 

strokes since my surgery, and I know I don't have all 

that much time left, regardless. I'll take my chances 

with people shooting at me if I have to,...

Tags: cia, jfk, kennedy assassination, the chameleon

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